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Supa-Site© History

Supa-Sites© History :


Supa-Site© Evolutionary Development History :

Supa-Site© Genesis :

We started creating websites way back in the mid 1990's. Over the years the Internet may have changed a great deal, but Client requirements haven't.

Over time, as we created more & more websites, It become apparent to us that it was easy to group 'Clients' and their 'Needs' into 'Categories'. For example : One 'Category' of Client may have 'Needed' an 'On-Line Webshop', another 'Category' of Client may have 'Needed' an 'On-Line Hotel Room Bookings' Application & so on.

To save our Clients time as well as money we began developing "Shell" websites - Generic websites "Types" that reflected the 'Needs' of each 'Category' of Client. From those early 'Generic' 'Shells' we developed our current range of 15 Website 'Types', which are market by us under the "Supa-Site®" brandname ('Supa-Site®' websites are only available from Xitranet®, our Franchisees or appointed agents).

Not Re-Inventing The Wheel :

Hundreds of highly experienced IT professionals already spend thousands of hours and millions of dollars developing award winning internet "Applications" - So why should we attempt to replicate what they already do so well ? Early on we decided the best approach to website building was to choose the best ingredients then blend them together to create the ultimate website.

A simple recipe for success : We put the best ingredients into your Supa-Sites©, then weave those ingredients together, add a large serve of commercial common sense, provide downloadable productivity applications so you can bake your own content & ice the cake with on-line "How To" information backed up with 'Help Desk' support.

Supa-Site© 'Get Started' :


So, you aren't sure about what you need ? Thats understandable, and until you 'Give it a go' you wont know what you are capable of, in terms of both website content creation & maintainance. As such we feel its best (Before you commit your time & effort to the exciting process of website construction) that you "Taste Test" the tasks involved by investing in a $99 "Get Started' Version of your preferred Supa-Site© 'Type'.

Most Supa-Sites© 'Types' are available with a "Get Started" option. A $99 "Get Started" Supa-Site© is your future 'Full Version' Supa-Site©, but hosted on our Server for 30 days whilst you assess the product & your skill levels.

At the outset you may feel you can't handle the "Content Creation" process, but after downloading our PC based "Productivity tools" (Photo editor etc.), printing out & reading your 100 page 'Supa-Site© User Manual', and using our On-Line 'Application Tutorials', you may well feel that either you, or somebody within your organization, is quite capable of producing & maintaining the content you need.

If it turns out that you don't feel confident about 'Content Creation' you can 'Upgrade' your 'Get Started' Supa-Site© to a 'Version' that includes a 'Creative Package'.

Supa-Site© 'Get Started' Deduction :

When you 'Upgrade' your 'Get Started' Supa-Site© to a 'Full Version' your $99 "Get Started" Fee is deducted from the purchase price of your choosen 'Full Version" Supa-Site© (Note: 'Get Started' Supa-Sites© can only be 'Upgraded' to 'Full Versions' of the same Supa-Site© 'Type' ) !

Supa-Site© 'Full Versions' :

If you have purchased a "Get Started" Supa-Site© & used it to assess your "Content Creation' skills you can 'Upgrade' with confidence to the "Full Version" of your Supa-Site© 'Type" that meets your needs.

Each Supa-Site© 'Type' is available in four "Full Versions" :

For Clients Who Already Have A Website located on a 'Compatible' Hosting Server :

  • "Full Version" : A 'Full Version' of your preferred 'Supa-Site©' 'Type', installed by us on to your existing 'Compatible' 'Hosting Server'. (Product Code Suffix : 'FV').
  • "Full version + Creative" : A 'Full Version' of your preferred 'Supa-Site©' 'Type' plus a 'Creative Package', installed by us on to your existing 'Compatible' 'Hosting Server'. (Product Code Suffix : 'FVC').


For Clients Who Don't Have A Website :

  • "Full Version + Hosting" : A 'Full Version' of your preferred 'Supa-Site©' 'Type' plus a 'Hosting Package', installed by us on to a new 'Hosting Server'. (Product Code Suffix : 'FVH').
  • "Full Version + Creative + Hosting : A 'Full Version' of your preferred 'Supa-Site©' 'Type' which includes both a 'Creative Package' & a 'Hosting Package', installed by us on to a new 'Hosting Server'. (Product Code Suffix : 'FVCH').


Supa-Site© Browser Compatibility :

All Supa-Sites© are fully 'Responsive' (Meaning they automatically 'Re-size' & 'Re-organize' themselves dependant upon what type of device is being used to access your Supa-Site©) & compatible with all modern browsers (Both desktop & mobile).