PWC19 | Admin & Security Tools
Supa-Site© Integrated Application :
PWC19 : Xitranets© Website Security Application | "Akeeba Admin Tools©"
'Akeeba Admin Tools©' is a true Swiss Army knife for protecting your Supa-Site©.
This package runs automatically in the background, Protecting both the 'Public' Frontend & 'Administrative' Backend of your Supa-Site© - automatically fixing your files and directories 'Permissions', protecting your administrator directory, performing, database maintenance, maintaining 'IP White Lists' & 'IP Black Lists', monitoring & logging 'Security Exceptions' (Hack attempts, failed logins etc.)
Admin Tools is pre-configured on your Supa-Site© & does not require any additional setup.
Akeebs Backup 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
Akeeba Admin Tools Features :
- Web application firewall, with several key features.
- Disallow access to your site on specific IPs or blocks of IP addresses (IP black listing).
- Anti-spam based on a customizable list of words.
- SQLi Shield, dodging many SQL injection attacks.
- Malicious User Agent filtering & CSRF / Anti-Spam (reverse CAPTCHA) protection.
- Bad Behaviour integration & Project Honeypot IP blacklisting (HTTP:BL) integration.
- Automatic block for IPs repeatedly triggering 'Security Exceptions'.
- DFI (Direct file inclusion) detection.
- Uploads scanner (UploadShield) blocks uploaded files with suspicious names or containing PHP code anywhere inside them.
- Protection against the most common XSS attacks (XSSShield).
- One-click repair and optimisation of database tables.
- Email notification of successful administrator area log-ins.
- Email notification of 'Security Execptions'.
- Automatic '.htaccess' file creation.
Akeeba Admin Tools 'Auto Run Plug-In' :
The 'Auto Run Plug-In' runs automatically in the background a specific pre-programmed times, cleaning & optimizing database tables, emptying your Supa-Site's© Cache plus several other optimization functions necessary to ensure optimal Supa-Site© security & performance.