PWC40 | Subscription Application
Subscription Application :

This 'Core Application' is included within these Supa-Site© 'Types' :
PWC02 | Xitranet’s© Subscription 'Core Application' | MembershipPro :
The OS Solutions 'MembershipPro' Subscriptions Application is pre-configured to allow you to sell subscriptions to your Supa-Site's© built-in 'Higher Membership Level' (Eg : 'Silver Level', 'Gold Level', 'Platinum Level' & 'VIP Level') ! For more information on your Supa-Site's 'Higher Membership Level' system, Click Here.
OS MembershipPro 'Admin' 'Control Panel' :
When OS Solution's 'MembershipPro' Application is included in your Supa-Site© so are the following pre-configured Subscription 'Plans' :
- 'Silver' - FREE 1m Trial Silver Membership
- 'Silver' - 6 Month Membership
- 'Silver' - 12 Month Membership
- 'Gold' - 6 Moth Membership
- 'Gold' - 12 Month Membership
- 'Platinum' - 6 Month Membership
- 'Platinum' - 12 Moth Membership
- 'VIP' - 6 Month Membership
- 'VIP' - 12 Month Membership
Full 'Easy To Follow', step-by-step set-up instructions for using 'MembershipPro' are available to you through your Supa-Site's© 'Help Desk' support website which is accessable via the 'Supa-Site© Links' option in the 'Administrative' Backend of your Supa-Site©.
Frontend : Once subscriptions have been 'Enabled' on your Supa-Site©, The Membership Pro 'Upgrade' Button displays to 'Registered Members' on their Supa-Site© 'Member Level Homepage' after 'Login'.
Frontend : When your 'Member' Clicks the 'Upgrade' Button appropriate 'Upgrade' subsciptions 'Plans' are automatically offered.
Offered 'Upgrade' 'Plans' - For Example : If 'Subscriptions' are 'Enabled' & your 'Member' has no current 'Higher Membership Level' subscriptions, then all 'Higher Membership Level' subscription 'Plans' will be offered.
Below : Your Supa-Site's© default pre-configured 'Higher Membership Levels' - 'Upgrade' sequence.
Your Supa-Site© dynamically decides which subscription 'Plans' to offer to a 'Member' based upon that 'Members' current 'Higher Membership Level' subscriptions - Thus if that 'Member' already had a current subscription to 'Platinum Level', then only 'Upgrades' to 'VIP Level' would be offered & so on.
Below : 'Subscriber' completes a 'Sign-Up' form which adds extra data to that 'Members' existing system 'Profile'.
Once your 'Member' has entered all required 'Data' (You can create extra 'Custom Fields' if you need to collect more information during 'Sign-Up'), selects 'PayPal' ('Offline Payment' is really only used for testing purposes) & Clicks the 'Process Subscription' Buton, he/she is taken to the PayPal website to make payment.
Below : After 'Payment Success' your 'Member' is re-directed to your editable 'Thank You' page :
After payment success your Supa-Site© automatically sends your Subscriber a 'PDF' Invoice by Email & enables all 'Access Level' privilages associated with that subsciption.
ID | CORE-2613