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How Supa-Sites Work :

How Supa-Sites© Work :


Supa-Site© Structure :

Supa-Site© Organizational Structure :

Supa-Sites© reside on publicly accessible, internet linked 'Servers', which deliver Supa-Site© 'Content' to 'Users' via the Internet. All Supa-Sites© come 'Pre-Configured', all you have to do is add content & fine tune the options offered.

All Supa-Sites© Are Composed Of Three Elements :

  Supa-Site© 'CMS' : The 'Content Management System' that controls Supa-Site© operation :

  Supa-Site© 'MySQL Database' : The element that stores all Supa-Site© information :

  Supa-Site© 'Integrated, Core & Special Applications' : Special performance enhancing features :

Integrated Apps Core Apps Special Apps Image Map

Supa-Site© Basic Principals :

Supa-Site© Basic Organizational Principals :

  That All Businesses Have Different 'Types' Of Customer ('Casual', 'VIP' etc).

  That Most Businesses Have A Staffing Structure ('Owner', 'Manager', 'Employee' etc).

Supa-Site© Basic Concepts :

Supa-Site© Basic Organizational Concepts :

  All persons interacting with your Supa-Site© are called 'Users'.

  Both 'Customers' & 'Staff' can be categorized into 'User Groups'.

  You assign a 'User' to a 'User Group' based upon what you 'Permit' that 'User Group' to do.


Supa-Site© In Operation :

Supa-Site© 'Backend' & 'Frontend' :

  Every Supa-Site© has a Public 'Frontend' & an Administrative 'Backend'.

  Your 'Customers' access your Supa-Site© through the Public 'Frontend'.

  Your 'Staff' manage your Supa-Site© through the Administrative 'Backend'.

Below : Typical Supa-Site© 'Backend' 'Admin' Screen (1) Application / Component Menu (2) One Click Links to Special Programs (3) Information 'Dropdowns' showing Important Information (4) Built-in Login to 'EN.Xitranet.com' for 'Help Desk' Access (Tutorials, Downloads, Profile Editing etc.) & Access To Xitranets© 'ArtMart' Service, Where You Can Source The Best Quality 'Creative' Work For The Best Prices Via A Compeditive 'Bidding' Process.

Concepts & Principals In Action : Pre-Formatted Supa-Site© 'User Groups'

Supa-Site© 'Built-In' User Groups :

The use of 'User Groups' is optional. If you only have one type of 'Customer' & only one type of 'Employee' you can just turn the 'User Group' Function within your Supa-Site© 'Off' ! Later, if your needs change, you can turn the 'User Group' Function back on.

All the following pre-formatted 'User Groups' are built into your Supa-Site©. They are designed to make the operation of your Supa-Site© 'Easy' & provide your Customers with a 'Personalized', interactive on-line experience. You can use the five (5) pre-formatted 'User Groups' to control access to 'Content' & 'Applications', for 'Event Management', 'E-Newsletters', 'Sales Promotion' or for any other activity which could benefit from the use of 'Personalization'.  

'Registered Member User Groups' & 'Higher Membership Levels' :

Registered Member User Groups :

'Registered Member User Groups' relate directly to your Supa-Site's© built-in 'Higher Membership Level' system. A Users 'User Group Membership' can manually elevated by your Supa-Site's© 'MaserUser', or by 'Loyalty Points' (if enabled)or by paid 'Subscription' (If included & enabled) or any combination of the above.

Below : Your Supa-Site's© built-in 'Higher Membership Level' sequence.

'Registered Member User Group' = A 'Higher Membership Level'



The 'VIP Member' group is your highest level Pre-Formatted 'Member Group' & membership should be reserved for those Customers you value the most. You should add the 20% of your Customers that generate 80% of your business to this 'Member Group'.


The 'Platinum Member' group is for high grossing repeat business Customers who you wish retain & encourage to increase their purchasing fequency.


The 'Gold Member' group would typically be for Customers who have made more that one purchase through your Supa-Site©. If you also operate a 'physical' business you might like to join existing Customers of that physical business to this 'Member Group' as an encouragement for them to use your on-line services.


The 'Silver Member' group would typically be for Customers who have made their first on-line purchase through your Supa-Site©. Upgrading a Members status to 'Silver Member' could give that Customer access to special 'Services' & 'Content' not available to lower member groups.


The 'Registered Member' group is the default group for 'Registered Members' of your Supa-Site©. When a 'Guest' registers on your Supa-Site©, he/she is automatically made a member of the 'Registered Member' group. In order to differentiate the 'Registered Member User Experience' from that of a 'Non-Registered 'Guest', it is 'Best Practice' to make some special 'Services' &/or 'Content' available to the 'Registered Member' group.


'Guest' User Group - For Visitors

Public / Guest User Groups :

The 'Guest User Group' is the automatic 'Group' for visitors to your Supa-Site©.  As soon as any 'User' accesses you Supa-Site© he/she is automatically added by the system to your 'Guest User Group' & they stay in the 'Guest User Group' for the duration of their visit to your Supa-Site© or until they 'Login'.

'Guests' only have access to 'Content' &/or 'Services' on your Supa-Site© which you have designated as being available to either the 'Public' or the 'Guest User Group' members. Once a 'Member' 'Logs In' to your Supa-Site©, he/she is automatically removed from the 'Guest User Group' but retains access to 'Public' 'Content' &/or 'Services'.      

Examples : 'User Group' Progression / Upgrading :

User Group 'Elevation' Examples :


Note : You should always consider 'User Registration' as being a basic and nessesary security measure and as such 'User Registration' should always be 'Free'.

In This Example : Joe Bloggs visits your site for the first time.

When 'Joe' visits your Supa-Site© he is automatically made a 'Member' of your Supa-Sites© 'Guest User Group'. 'Guests' can only view & access 'Content & Services' which have there 'Access' Level set to either the 'Public' or to 'Guest'.

By default, your Supa-Site's© 'Front Page' & your 'Site Menu' (Plus all the 'Menu Items' attached to your 'Site Menu' ) have there 'Access' Level set to 'Public'.

If your Supa-Site© offers a particular 'Service' (Such as 'Table Bookings' or 'Free Events') you can choose whether or not you wish to allow 'Joe' access to those 'Services' 'Before' or only 'After' he joins & becomes a 'Registered Member' of your Supa-Site© (Security Implication) :

  1. If you want to allow 'Joe' & all other 'Guests' access to content & services BEFORE they becomes 'Members' of your Supa-Site© you set the 'Access' Level for those those 'Services' & that 'Content' to 'Public'.
  2. If you want to only allow 'Joe' access to content & services only AFTER he has becomes a 'Registered Member' of your Supa-Site© you set the 'Access' Level for those 'Services' & that 'Content' to 'Registered'.

'Joe' likes what he sees & decides to 'Join' your Supa-Site© for free & become a 'Registered Member'. He clicks the 'Join For Free' option on your 'Site Menu', enters his/her details & clicks 'Submit'.

'Joe' receives an automatically generated Email from your Supa-Site© which asks him/her to 'Click A Link' to confirm his/her 'Membership'. After 'Joe' has clicked that Email 'Link' your Supa-Site© will set his status to 'Registered' member' & add him to your Supa-Site's© built-in 'Registered User' Emailing list.

Now when 'Joe' returns to your Supa-Site© & 'Logs-In', he will be taken to the 'Registered Member Homepage' & from there will be able to view & access 'Content & Services' which have there 'Access' Level set to either 'Registered Level' or 'Public'.

('Joe' is now a 'Member' of the 'Registered Member Group').

In This Example : Joe Bloggs is now a 'Registered Member' of your Supa-Sites©, and is ready to purchase a product or service from your Supa-Site©.

Once 'Joe' has made his first purchase, you may choose to reward him for his custom by 'Upgrading' his 'Membership Status' to 'Silver Group Membership'. As 'MasterUser', you can manually elevate 'Joe' to 'Silver Member Level' status through the 'Backend' 'User Manager' function of your Supa-Site©.

Once 'Upgraded' 'Joe' will have access to 'Public', 'Registered' & 'Silver Level' 'Content &/or Services'.

('Joe' is now a 'Member' of the 'Registered Member Group' & the 'Silver Customer Group').

Note : If you have activated your Supa-Sites© internal 'Subscriptions' option, you can offer 'Joe' the opportunity to purchase a Membership 'Upgrade' to 'Silver Member Level'.

In This Example : Joe Bloggs has 'Joined' your Supa-Site© & has made his first purchase.

'Joe' likes the incentives you have offered him as a 'Silver Customer' and is ready to purchases again. After his second purchase you may decide to 'Upgrade' Joe's 'Member Status' to 'Gold Member Level' (Yes, we know the joke !).

As 'MasterUser', you can manually elevate 'Joe' to 'Gold Member Level' status through the 'Backend' of your Supa-Site©.

After 'Upgrade' 'Joe' will have access to 'Public', 'Registered', 'Silver' & 'Gold' Level 'Content' &/or 'Services'.

('Joe' is now a 'Member' of the 'Registered Member Group', 'Silver Customer Group' & the 'Gold Customer Group').

Note : If you have activated your Supa-Sites© internal 'Subscriptions' option, you can offer 'Joe' the opportunity to purchase a Membership 'Upgrade' to 'Gold Member Level'.

In This Example : Joe Bloggs has become a frequent Customer, and as you want him to come back regularly & purchase more of your 'Products' or 'Services', so you will continue offer him 'Repeat Business Incentives', which may include 'Upgraded Member Status' which in turn could offer him access to additional benefits, discounts, access to additional Services etc.

When a 'Joe' logs into the 'Frontend' of your Supa-Site©, he will be automatically directed to the 'Member Level Homepage' which corresponds to his 'Highest Member Level' (Eg : If his 'User Group Memberships' where 'Registered, Silver & Gold' he would be directed to the 'Gold Member Homepage' & so on).

On any 'Member Level Homepage' you can add information & special offers etc. specifically & exclusively for members of that 'Member Level'.

The various 'Integrated Applications' & any 'Core Applications' &/or 'Special Applications' which may be included within your chosen 'Supa-Site© Type' are also pre-configured to use the default built-in 'Member Levels'

Its entirely up to you as to whether or not you offer your 'Members' any form of 'Incentive' or 'Discount'. It is entirely up to you as to whether or not you use the pre-formatted 'Member Levels' :

By using the 5 pre-formatted 'Membership Levels' you can 'Target' the content delivery of your Supa-Site©. You can offer special information, services & incentives to specific 'Groups' of Customers.

Note : Your Supa-Site© intelligently determines which 'User Group Homepage' to display to the 'User' after 'Login' based on that 'Users' various 'Higher User Group' Memberships (If any). Your Supa-Site© chooses the superior 'Higher User Group' Level when selecting which 'Homepage' to display to that 'User' (Eg : As per the 'Joe Bloggs' example above, if a 'User' where a Member of the 'Registered Member Group', the 'Silver Member Group' & the 'Gold Member Group', then your Supa-Site© would display the 'Gold Member Homepage' because 'Gold Membership' is the highest ranking 'Group Membership' held by that 'User'.

Note : If a 'User' where a Member of the 'Registered Member Group', the 'Silver Member Group' & the 'Gold Member Group', then that 'User' would have access to 'Registered', 'Silver Level' & 'Gold Level' Content & Services.


Backend User Groups :

Staff Member User Groups :

'Master User Group' - The 'MasterUser Group' normally has only one member, the Supa-Site's© 'Owner'.

Members of the 'MasterUser Group' have the highest level 'Permissions' on your Supa-Site©. In essence, members of the 'MasterUser Group' can do anything on your Supa-Site©, including :

⬤  Access the 'Administrative Backend' of your Supa-Site©.

⬤  Access & use all Supa-Site© 'Applications'.

⬤  Edit Supa-Site© Application settings.

⬤  Create, Edit, Delete & 'Publish / Un-publish' 'Content'.

⬤  Change 'Content' 'Access level' (Eg: Make an Article 'VIP Only' access).

⬤  Create &/or Edit &/or Delete 'Users', 'Usernames' & 'Passwords'.

⬤  Amend a 'Users' 'Users Group Membership' (Eg : Upgrade a 'Silver Member' to 'VIP Member').

⬤  Approve / Disallow new 'Users'.

Your Supa-Site© comes with one default member of the 'MasterUser Group' called 'MasterUser'. 'MasterUser' comes with 'Username', 'Password' & and one Email address ('proprietor@yoursupasite.whatever')

Only members of the 'MasterUser Group' can add other 'Users' to the 'MasterUser Group'.  

'Manager User Group: The 'Manager User Group' normally contains 'Users' who have 'Management Authority' within the Owners organization.

Specifically, members of the 'Manager User Group' have 'Permission' to do the following  :

⬤  Access the 'Administrative Backend' of your Supa-Site©.

⬤  Access & use all 'Applications'.

⬤  Create, Edit & 'Publish / Un-publish' 'Content'.

⬤  Change 'Access level' for 'Content' (Eg: 'VIP Only' access).

⬤  Edit 'Users', 'Usernames' & 'Passwords'.

Members of the 'Manager User Group' CAN NOT DO the following  :

⬤  Edit, Delete, Access or View any info relating to members of the 'MasterUser Group'.

Your Supa-Site© comes with one default member of the 'Manage User Group' called 'Manager01'. The 'User' called 'Manager01' comes complete with a 'Username' & Password (Which is randomly generated by us as we create your Supa-Site©) & and one Email address ('manager@yoursupasite.whatever').

Only members of either the 'MasterUser Group' can add 'Users' to 'Manager Group Group'.

'Employee User Group : The 'Employee User Group' normally contains 'Users' who are 'Employees' of the Supa-Sites© Owners organization. Members of the 'Employee User Group' can use most Supa-Site© 'Applications' and 'Create & Edit' Content, but can't 'Delete' Content.

Specifically, members of the 'Employee User Group' have 'Permission' to do the following :

⬤  Access the 'Administrative Backend' of your Supa-Site©.

⬤  Create, Edit (but not Delete) their own 'Content'.

⬤  Access & Edit 'Content' Created by others (But not 'Delete').

⬤  Access & use specified 'Applications' only (eg: Make bookings, Add products to an on-line shop etc.).

Your Supa-Site© comes with one default member of the 'Employee User Group' called 'Employee01'. That 'User' called 'Employee01' comes complete with a 'Username' & Password (Which is randomly generated by us as we create your Supa-Site©) plus one Email address ('support@yoursupasite.whatever').

Only members of the 'MasterUser Group' can add 'Users' to 'Employee User Group'. This allows 'MasterUser Group' members to create new 'Users' & add them to the 'Employee User Group' as required (Eg : Add a new 'Employee' when a person is employed & so on).

'Counter Staff User Group' : The 'Counter Staff User Group' is a group for 'Employees' who do not require access to the Administrative 'Backend' of your Supa-Site©.

Members of the 'Counter Staff User Group' can 'Login' to the Public 'Frontend' of your Supa-Site© to access & use some Applications ('Table Bookings' etc).

In-Store Use Of On-Line Shop : In addition, menbers of the 'Counter Sales User Group' can use your Supa-Sites© 'On-Line Shop' (If included in your Supa-Site© Type) 'In Store' as a 'POS' (Point Of Sale) terminal, allowing them to add 'Products' from your 'On-line Shop' to an order, then total that order, ring that total up on a conventional till, then have the Customer 'Pay' manually (Cash / Visa etc), then log that sale as made (Excellent for stock control)

Only members of the 'MasterUser Group' can add 'Users' to 'Counter Sales User Group'.